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The Sociology Area belongs to the Department of State Law and Sociology at the University of Malaga (UMA). This department, funded in 1964, is one of the oldest in Spain, and some of the most prestigious professors and researchers in our country have been part of it. For instance, the first Sociology chair/professorship in Malaga (and Andalusia) was that of José Jiménez Blanco in 1964.
At present, the Sociology Area at the UMA provides a dynamic workspace in continuous growth that offers both research quality and teaching capacity in numerous degrees and masters, specially the Master Degree in Applied Sociology.

Most of its members are doctors and have been research visitors in some of the most well-known international Social Science centres: London School of Economics and Political Science, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (University of New York), University of Oxford, University de Mannheim, University of Essex, University of Michigan, University of the Sorbonne, CNRS France, City University (London), University of Princeton, etc., being integrated in international research networks.

During the last years, they have been accredited for their wide experience in the participation in research projects (achieved in competitive calls), both at European – national and regional – local levels, which has proved quite beneficial to their intense teaching activity. Many of these professors and lecturers belong to the editorial boards of specialized journals; they participate regularly in the organization of renowned sociology conferences and collaborate frequently as reviewers of research proposals and papers for important national and international sociological journals.